A Metaphorical representation of various traits or characters
Face | Direction | Significance |
Hanuman (Original) | East | This face removes all blemishes of sin and confers purity of mind. |
Narasimha | South | Removes fear of enemies and confers victory. Narasimha is the Lion-Man |
Garuda | West | Drives away evil spells, black magic influences, negative spirits and removes all poisonous effects in one's body. |
Varaha | North | Wards off the troubles caused by bad influences of the planets and confers all prosperity |
Hayagriva | Upwards | (Urdhva Mukha) face confers knowledge, victory, good wife and progeny. |
hall for drinking
Eleventh Chapter
Search in the hall for drinking
( A full and detailed description of the hall of drink and Hanumana’s search for Sita there is recounted in this chapter)
Within a quarter of minute he rejected his momentary wish that it was Sita as not right and became clear headed and started thinking, in the right path. 1
After that Hanuman decided that There was no chance of Sita who was separated from Sri Rama sleeping, nor eating, nor wearing of ornaments, nor even drinking water nor go near another male even if he were the king of Devas for even among devas there is none as great as Rama and so this lady has to be somebody else. And he started searching further in the hall of drinking. 2-3
The monkey chief saw Ravana who was deep asleep due to being tired by his intense love making and his collection of ladies among whom some were tired because of love making, some because of singing, some because of dancing and some asleep because of consumption of alcoholic drinks. He saw some ladies leaning on drums of different types and on small seats as well as many sleeping on special beds made for sleep by ladies. He saw thousands of ladies some decorated by ornaments, some who had the habit of describing their bodily beauty, some who describe the meanings of songs, some who work according to the need of place and time and some who can speak properly to suit an occasion 4-7
Amongst those ladies, the Rakshasa king of great valor, looked like a bull among cows of high pedigree in a very wide stable. 8
Naturally being surrounded by those ladies, the king of Rakshasas shined like an awesome he-elephant among large number of she elephants of the forest. 9
In the house of the great chief of rakshasas, the monkey chief saw collection of well stocked drinking places(bars) 10
In that drinking place Hanuman saw meats of deer, pig and raven kept separately. 11
He also saw further half eaten peacocks and hen kept in large golden vessels. 12
Hanuman saw the meats of eagle, sheep, porcupine, deer and peacock cooked with curd and Masalas , fully cooked doves , half eaten ravens, buffalos and one thorn fishes, well cooked mutton, several type of side dishes, several type of drinks and several type of light 13-14
Similarly by different types of drinks which were sour, salty and other great tastes made by concentrating the juices of grapes, orange and pomegranate and those chains, armlets and bangles which have been removed and strewn all over and also decorated by flowers and fruits kept in goblets that place was very pretty. 15-16
That place of drink appeared to be glistening even without fire by the very many tastefully arranged sofas and chairs. 17
Garlands and also very many distilled alcoholic drinks, various alcoholic drinks made with sugar syrup, honey, fruit juices and flower concentrates, several other drinks which were sorted and kept and various types of meat which were properly mixed , cooked and made by great chefs, with great care in which various spices and condiments which were added in proper proportion filled that drinking place and added to its luster. 18-20
That monkey chief saw many specially made drinks filled in silver and golden pots arranged in different place all over. 21
He also saw large number goblets, which were made of gold, silver and many made with several gems. 22
That place was also filled with serving cups for these drinks, which were made of gold, crystal and gold alloy.23
That Hanuman saw in some place half emptied goblets, in some places empty goblets and in some places goblets filled to the brim. 24
He wandered here and there seeing various eatables, drinks sorted in different categories, left over food, broken drink pots, spilled water, fruits and prettily made garlands. 25-26
There were white cushions used by ladies for sleeping and various beauties sleeping tightly embraced. 27
Not only that in some cases one lady in her sleep was covering herself with the pulled out dress of another and several were in very deep slumber. 28
It was wonderful, that the cloths on their body and the garlands that they were wearing did not move by their heavy breath, which was like the slowly wafting wind. 29
The breeze carrying with in it the incense of cool sandal, by the scents of various alcoholic drinks and the various flowers in garlands was wafting here and there, That Puspaka Vimana was also full of scents of various perfumes worn by different ladies, the sandalwood and other incense that were being burnt. 30-31
In that house of Rakshasa some of the ladies were brown, some were black and some others were of golden colour. 32
Their looks because of deep sleep and made loose by their passion, appeared like the lotus pond in which the flowers have closed up. 33
Like this the great soul Hanuman wandered all over Ravana’s harem and searched in all places but in spite of that did not find Janaki (Sita, Janaka’s daughter). 34
Hanuman became very thoughtful and worried because he thought that in staring at those women he has slipped from Dharma (the standards of right conduct.) 35
He thought that the sight of this crowd of wives of the enemy when they were deep asleep made him a commit a great sin. 36
(The sloka could also indicate half nude ladies who were asleep)
Then he thought that his stare at the wives of somebody else was not done in a worldly manner. 37
This sight of other people’s wives has not done by me with passion., he further thought.38
Then a new doubtless thought pointing towards the correct decision arose in the mind of very intelligent Hanuman who was capable of great thought 39
I saw all the wives of Ravana who were sleeping without any fear and with great belief. In spite of that my mind did not waver even a little bit. He thought. 40-41
Mind is the sole cause of all the sense organs doing good or bad and that mind did not waver even a bit in my case, he thought. 42
Always suppose a lady has to be searched it should be in the crowd ladies only and therefore It is impossible to me to search and find out Sita in any other place.†he further thought 43
Search for an animal of a specific type has to be made within the type only and a lost woman cannot be searched among a group of deer. He thought. 44
And therefore this Harem of Ravana was searched well by me with a very clean mind and in spite of that I could not find Sita he thought. 45
The great Hero Hanuman saw many lasses of Devas, Gandarwas and Nagas but was not able to find Janaki. 46
Having seen many great ladies but because he was not able to find Sita, he went outside from that hall at that time and started thinking. 47
The great soul Hanuman having come out of that hall of drinking, took great pain in starting the search for Sita again. 48
Thus ends the eleventh chapter of Sundara Kanda which is in the Ramayana which is the first epic written by Valmiki.
Visiting of the Harem
(In this chapter the search of Hanuman of Sita in the harem of Ravana and the first impressions of him about Ravana’s harem is described)
Hanuman the son of Wind God saw in the middle of the great Pushpaka Vimana a very big and great building. 1
That was the house of Ravana which was many yojanas ( two and a half miles) broad, one yojana long and with many decorated platforms 2
The killer of the enemy Hanuman searched everywhere for the long eyed Sita who was the king of Videha. 3
Inspecting the houses of many great Rakshasas Hanuman who was graced by the Goddess Lakshmi reached the house of the king of Rakshasas. 4
The very extensive dwelling of Ravana was protected by many with top pointing arms, surrounded by four tusked elephants as well as three tusked elephants, and also full of Rakshasa ladies who were his wives and also some forcefully abducted Ladies from Royal families. 5-6
(This is contrary to what is expressed in sloka 76 of this chapter)
That house was like an ocean tumultuously moved by a tempest, which was full of crocodiles, sharks, whales , fishes and snakes. 7
His house was full of all riches, which were in the house of Kubera(God of riches) Indra(King of devas) and Sun God. 8
The treasures in the House of Rakshasa king Ravana was similar and much more than the riches of Indra, Kubhera, Varuna(The rain god) , Yama(the god of death). 9
The Son of God of Wind saw another mansion in the center of that house, which was beautifully built and in which several artistic works were done. 10
That Pushpaka Vimana which was prettily was made for Brahma by Viswakarma(the architect of Devas) and increased passions and also could be used to travel as one pleases. 11
Kubhera by doing very great penance got that Vimana which was fully decorated by jewels and which was venerated by beings of all the three worlds from Brahma. 12
The king of Rakshasa won Kubera by his prowess and got it from him. 13
Not only that but that Vimana was decorated by life like statues of deer, decorated all over by gold, had many very beautiful pillars and appeared as if it was shining by its own light. 14
That Vimana was decorated on all the four sides by several towers, which appeared as if they were touching the sky like the Meru and Mandhara mountains. 15
That plane which was built by Viswakarma, had golden steps and was charming, great and had the luster of the fire and the Sun. 16
It had platforms made of precious gems like Sapphire and windows and shelves decorated by gold and crystal. 17
It appeared pretty as it had floors decorated by corals, very costly gems, incomparable pearls and also several pretty drawings. 18
It was similar to the Sun at dawn and had gold like saffron and sweet scented sandal. 19
That monkey chief climbed the sacred and well decorated Pushpaka Vimana which had different type of pretty halls. 20
Then Hanuman who stood there smelled the sweet perfume from the eatables and drinks spread out there which looked like the air personified.(i.e. spread in all places.) 21
It appeared as if the scents called the very strong Hanuman, “come here, come here, like a relation calling another very close relation. 22
He saw a great stage in the middle , which ,being firmly there attracted the mind of Ravana, which like a pretty lady was causing only good, which had steps made out of pearls and diamonds, which shined because of its golden windows with ivory inlaid here and there, which had floors made of crystal stones, which had very tall decorated pillars built using gold, silver , pearls and corals, which was decorated by different type of pillars, which had very tall and wing like sky touching perfect pillars which were straight, which was as broad as the earth itself with its cities and houses, which was covered by a very big carpet on which the different parts of earth were drawn, Which was filled with sounds of songs by energetic birds, Which had beautiful incense wafting about, which had special seats with the presence of the king of Rakshasas, which was made dark by the incense and myrrh, which was very clear, which was white like the swan, which was peculiar because of the flowers used for worship, which gave happiness to the mind like the glittering Kamadhenu(sacred wish granting cow of heaven), which was decorated so that it will get fame, which looked like the mother of all treasures, which could destroy sorrow and which was famous and divine. 23-30
That stage which was protected by Ravana, like a mother, satisfied the five sense organs by its pretty form, taste, smell, touch and voice. 31
Hanuman doubted and wondered whether it was heaven, the city of Indra himself, or the city of gandarwas. 32
He also saw there very big golden lights which were still like those defeated gamblers by the deceit of other gamblers. 33
He felt as if the entire area was burning because of the strong light from those lamps and also by the glitter the ornaments and power emanating from Ravana. 34
There he saw thousands of ladies lying on the jeweled carpet dressed in cloths of varied colours, wearing several types of ornaments and with varied appearances. 35
Those ladies after long love play and being drunk were sleeping soundly because it was already midnight. 36
Those ladies looked as if no sound coming from the shaking of their ornaments and were like a lotus pond full of silent and bees. 37
He saw the faces of those great ladies who were sleeping with open mouth, closed eyes and with the smell of lotus flowers. 38
Their faces looked like the lotus flowers, which opened during daytime and had closed during night. 39
The honey drunk bees without any doubt were desiring their faces thinking that it was fully opened lotus flowers. 40
Because of that and because of other valid reasons that great monkey chief thought their faces equivalent to lotus flowers. 41
Because of the glitter produced by the bevy of ladies that stage looked like the star filled clear sky of the autumn. 42
That king of Rakshasas surrounded by them looked like the moon surrounded by the stars. 43
Seeing them Hanuman thought that they looked like a collection of stars fallen from the sky after they have enjoyed the benefit of all their good deeds. 44
In that place the shine , colour and presence of the ladies glittered , very much like the great shine of the big stars. 45
They were almost in deep trance by the deep sleep because of their love play and intoxication by drink and their garlands and ornaments were very much displaced. 46
Some of them were great ladies, in case of some , their Tilaka (sindhoora) was erased, in case of some their anklets were broken and in case of some their chain of pearls was lying by their side. 47
Like the mare which carried lot of burden was rolling in the ground to recoup its strength, some of them had broken their pearl chains , some had undressed and in case of some, the anklets were completely broken. 48
Some appeared with good ear studs but with broken garlands due to their exertions like the flowering climber in a deep forest was crushed by an elephant. 49
In other cases the broken pearl necklaces were lying between the breasts of some and appeared as if some swans were sleeping there. 50
In case of others their diamonds looked like the king fisher birds and the broken golden chains looked similar to the Chakravaka birds. 51
With hips similar to the sandy shores some of them looked like the shores of river with many swans, king fisher and Chakravaka birds. 52
With glittering belled anklets, with lotus faces and with nail marks in many places of their body, they looked like rivers with beauty as their shores. 53
In case of some ladies the pressure marks made by ornaments on their busts and other soft arts appeared as if they themselves were 54
The cloth corners which were flying hither and thither by their breaths again and again fell on the top of their breasts 55
Those edges of the very pretty and shining cloths of various colours with various ornaments when shaken over their foreheads appeared as if they were waving victory flags. 56
In case of some women with luster even the ear studs were slightly moving hither and thither by their breath. 57
Their naturally sweet scented breath along with the smell of wine wafted towards Ravana ,with pleasure. 58
Not only that some of Ravana’s wives mistook the other wives faces as that of Ravana’s and kissed them several times. 59
Because those ladies loved Ravana very much , they behaved with those other wives with love even though they did not like them. 60
Some other ladies were sleeping using their bangle clad arms and their cloths as a pillow, 61
With one lady attaching herself to the chest of another, one attaching to her hands, one sleeping on her lap, and another on the same lady’s arms, and embracing each other tightly with their thighs, hind parts, hips touching each other , all of them slept together because of their love towards Ravana. 62-63
Because the ladies with very ample hips were tightly embracing each other , they were happy and with linked hands were sleeping soundly. 64
That bevy of ladies linking themselves together appeared as if they were a garland which had attracted several big tipsy bees. 65
The harem of Ravana looked like a flower garden in the month of May-June in which the climbing tendrils with full of flowers are intertwined , in which the bees fly from one place to another, in which the heads of the plants are attached here and there and in which the flowers shake in the wind. 66-67
Though their ornaments , cloths and various parts of the body were in places where they should be, they were not knowing whose is where and which. 68
The well-lit golden lamps appeared as if they were staring at the sleeping Ravana along with his multi coloured collection of women. 69
Lasses from the families of kings, sages, Pithru devas, Rakshasas and Gandarwas appeared as if they were there attracted by their passion to Ravana. 70
Most of the ladies who were there , were the ones who were abducted by the war thirsty Ravana and some of those voluptuous ones came there because of their passion to him. 71
Except the noble daughter of Janaka , all of them were there because of his great valor and none of them have been abducted and brought , none who came against their wish and none were there who had accepted any one else. 72
None of them were born in a baser family or not pretty or not intelligent or not suitable to be served upon or none without wealth or none who is not suitable to be loved by their husbands. 73
That good-natured Hanuman thought, If the wife of Sri Rama also attains this state of Ravana’s wives towards Rama, my birth in this world would be a blessed one. 74
With sorrow that Hanuman thought, Sita is the storehouse of all good qualities and this King Of Lanka has done acts which should not be done towards her, alas! 75
Thus ends the ninth chapter of Sundara Kanda which is in the Ramayana which is the first epic written by Valmiki.
Taking Four Vedic Form to Serve Krishna / More
Narad ji then says that: 'My Lord, will Hanuman recognise you in this form of yours (as Shri Krishna instead of Lord Ram's avatar)?' Shri Krishna and Devi Rukmani laughs at this point and tell Narad that Hanuman is so close to me that whatever form I take, he surely will recognise me, no matter what. They then decide that they will go together and disguise themselves as Brahmans.
Narad then also says that there is another reason that he came to visit Shri Krishan today as he wanted to wish Lord Krishna a very Happy B'Day since Lord's b'day was soon approaching. At this stage Rukmani corrects Narad and tells him that there is a long time for Janam-Ashtami to come. Narad then laughs and says that Mata, this is not just one birth of our Lord but He has many others including in other Yugs. Krishna laughs but Rukmani ji gets confused so Narad tells that he is taking about Ram Navami.
Narad then tells Lord Krishna that Hanuman ji is doing some Yaag and Puja on Ram Navami for his Lord Ram. So they then decide to go and see Hanuman on Ram Navami.
Finally the Ram-Navami day comes. Hanumanji goes to a city as a Brahman where he does a special puja and some yag on the Birth day of His Lord. Shri Krishna and Narad also comes to that city as Brahmans. After performing all the puja, Hanuman gives Prasad (food) to everyone with his own hands. All the people sit in the queue and so does Shri Krishna and Narad ji. They are sitting in the middle of the queue and watch Hanuman ji giving prasadam to everyone. Meanwhile Narad ji is keep asking Shri Krishna when will Hanuman recognise you as so far he hasn't. Krishana tells him to just wait and sit. As soon as Hanuman approaches Narad and about to put food in his plate, His eyes falls on the Lotus feet of Shri Krishana. Both Shri Krishna and Narad were sitting cross-legged. As soon as his eyes falls on the feet of His Lord, Hanuman forgets everything and just keep staring at them in a very very deep devotional way!
(The time around them freezes, and only Shri Krishna, Narad and Hanuman communicates.)
Shri Krishna says that He is not angry at all with him and how can he be angry since Hanuman is so dear to him. Then Lord comes to his original form of Lord Krishna as did Hanuman and Narad. Shri Krishna says to Hanuman that since you are so dear to me, I have come myself to give you my darshan.
Hanuman says that but my Lord this darshan is incomplete until I have also paid my greetings to Mata Sita. So, I will come to Dawarka-puri so that I could get the full darshans of You, Mata Sita and Lakshman.
Shri Krishna says sure and then come back to Dwaraka puri. Devi Rukmani was waiting eagerly for them. She asks Shri Krishna how it all went? Lord says as I thought Hanuman will recognise me no matter what. So then Narad says that if you had no doubts on this then why did we go there. Did you go there as you wanted to see Hanuman's devotion. Krishna says: no, I went there with you because I wanted to teach you a lesson.
Lord says that it is important for me to teach my dear devotee a lesson as soon as I think that they are thinking too highly (pride, vanity). Krishna says to Narad that you are also very dear and close to me and I always want my devotees to stay pure at heart without any vanity. Now that you have learnt your lesson, its time for others to learn as well. And Hanuman will help me in this as He is coming to Dawarkapuri.
Lord says that there few of this very dears need to learn a lesson as they are thinking very highly of themselves. They have forgotten that they only exist because of Me. Once asked by Narad who they are, Lord says that they are:
Balram (Dau bhaiya),
His Vishnu vahan, Garur and
His Sudarshan-Chakra.
And Hanuman will help to break their pride. But right now he needs to break the pride of Vasudev Bhagwan!!!!! At this point, Rukmani and Narad get very surprised and ask the Lord about this. Krishna says, yes there is a King on this earth who has named himself Vasudev. He thinks that he is Me and hence he calls himself Vasudev, the Lord Himself. He even has named this uncle's son as Balram!! Whats more he also has a Sudarshan Chakra, Gadha, Padam, Conch to prove that he is the real Vishnu and Vasudev and he wants to prove me as false. So, Hanuman is soon going to help me to teach a big lesson to this King.
(Rakshasis enquire with Sita about Hanuman but she refuses to tel any thing about him ,They then inform Ravana who sends the eighty thousand strong army of Kinkaras. Hanuman kills them all with an iron rod. Ravana then sends the son of Prahastha to catch Hanuman.)
Then because of the loud shrieking of birds and sound of breaking of trees all those who Lanka were fear struck. 1
The animals and birds which were running made horrible noise and because of that bad omens happened to the Rakshasas. 2
That time those bad looking Rakshasis lost their sleep and saw the garden which was destroyed as well as the great monkey hero. 3
Hanuman who was very courageous, who was very strong and who had bid arms seeing them assumed a very big form so that the Rakshasis become afraid. 4
Then those Rakshasis seeing that the monkey was very strong and having a very big body asked the daughter of Janaka as follows. 5
Who is this? Whose is this? Where from is it coming? For what purpose has it come here? It would be nice if we know. Not only that how did you converse with like we converse with you? 6
Hey broad eyed one. Hey lady withblack tipped eye, is it not true that this talked to you Hey lucky one, please tell us truthfully. You would not get in to any problems. 7
Then Sita who is of good character and who is pretty all over replied as follows. Why should I enter in to the affairs of Rakshasas who can assume any form they like? 8
You yourself should understand What action this one is going to do. It is no doubt that only thief can without mistake find out the intentions of a way farer. 9
I understand that this one who has come here has the ability to assume any form which is the character of Rakshasas. I do not know about his ability. I also am afraid in his case. 10
(The stanzas 8-10 above are one of the controversial parts of Ramayana. All the commentators agree that Sita told a lie to protect Hanuman. By one of the very famous saying of Sanskrit, it is all right to tell a lie to save ones life. Some others have commented that she has done this out of fear. But stanzas in other parts of Ramayana clearly indicate that she is fearless. Then why did she do it , is another question which is very difficult to answer)
Hearing the words of Vaidehi the Rakshasis were aghast and some ran hurriedly and some went to meet Ravana to inform him. 11
Those ugly faced Rakshasis started describing about the monkey, who can take different forms, in front of Ravana. 12
Hey king, in the middle of Asoka forest there is a monkey which is greatly valorous and which has a great form , which is talking to Sita. 13
That doe eyed Sita who is the daughter of Janaka did not like to tell about him to us, in spite of our enquiring in various ways. 14
Is he an emissary of Indra? Is he an emissary of Kubhera? Is it possible that he has been send by Rama to search Sita? 15
Your forest of the harem, which is surprisingly pretty and thus a stealer of hearts, and which is filled with many animals was completely destroyed by it. 16
There is no place in that forest which has not been destroyed by it. But it has not even touched the place where Sita the daughter of Janaka is sitting. 17
Has it been done to protect Janaki or has it been done because he became tired, we do not know. But where is tiresomeness to that monkey and the fact is she has been saved by the monkey. 18
That luxuriously growing Simshuba tree alone below which she sits of her own accord has been left without touching by that monkey. 19
Kindly be pleased to accord a severe punishment to that terrible one which talked with Sita and which destroyed the forest. 20
Hey lord of Rakshasas, who would dare to talk with that Sita who has been brought by you out of desire? Can the life stay for long with such a one? 21
Hearing the words of the Rakshasis, Ravana the king of Rakshasas , rolled his eyes in anger and burnt like the sacrificial fire. 22
From the two eyes of the angry one tears dropped as if oil drops mixed with flames dropped from two lit lamps. 23
That shining one gave order to destroy the pride of Hanuman to Rakshasa called Kinkara who are similar to him and are valorous. 24
(Kinkara means lowly servants)
Those valorous Kinkaras who had very big belly. who had very big teeth and who were horrible looking were eighty thousand in number . All of them with a desire for war and with a desire to catch the monkey left the house armed with thorny sticks and an arm called Kotta 25-26
They moved very fast and reached the monkey who was sitting on the tower and waiting and opposed him like insects oppose the fire. 27
They hit the monkey chief with strange maces, gold bordered pestles and arrows similar to the sun. 28
They holding spears and Thomara stood strongly surrounding Hanuman armed with thorn sticks, long spears and tridents. 29
The mountain like Hanuman with immeasurable power beat his tail on the floor and made war like sound. 30
Hanuman the son of wind-god made his body to a very big size and made Lanka shake by his voice and clapped his hands with enthusiasm. 31
In the resounding echo of the sound of clapping of Hanuman , birds fell on the floor out of fear and Hanuman announced loudly as follows. 32
Victory to the very strong Rama and similarly victory to the very strong Lakshmana. and victory to the king Sugreeva who is protected by Raghava. 33
I am Hanuman, the son of wind god, exterminator of enemies and the servant of Rama
who is the king of Kosala and who can carry out any job without effort. 34
Even thousands of Ravana cannot face me who fights wars with stones and trees and hits in thousand ways. 35
Even when all the Rakshasas are staring , I can shake the city of Lanka , salute the princess of Mithila and return back after achieving my wish. 36
Because of his loud announcement those Rakshasas became fear struck and they saw Hanuman high above like the dark clouds in the sky. 37
Those Rakshasa became bold by thinking about the order of their lord and beat Hanuman using different type of weapons from different directions. 38
That very valorous Hanuman was surrounded by those heros in all the four directions. He took huge iron rod the tower and using the same iron rod killed those Rakshasas. 39
That valorous son of wind-god taking that rod circled the sky and like Garuda , the son of Vinutha holding the snake and rising in the sky. 40
(Garuda on whom Lord Vishnu rides is the son of sage Kashyapa and his wife Vinutha)
That hero who was the son of wind-god after killing Kinkaras who are Rakshasa heroes desiring for more war again went near the tower. 41
Then some of the Rakshasas who were far away from the danger informed Ravana about the killing of all Kinkaras. 42
That Ravana ,who was the king of Rakshasas, hearing that his great army has been destroyed , blinked rolling his eyes and sent the son of Prahastha who was valorous, who cannot be faced by any one and who cannot be won over in war. 43
(Prahastha is one of the great ministers of Ravana)
Thus ends the forty second chapter of Sundara Kanda which is in the Ramayana which is the first epic written by Valmiki.
Five Army Commanders
(Ravana who was perturbed send his five army army-commander advising them to be careful to catch and bring Hanuman. He told them that he knew several warrior monkeys but none of them equaled this monkey in prowess. Those five army-army-commanders along with their army was killed by Hanuman)
Hearing about the killing of the sons of ministers , Ravana without making others know about his thoughts took a very suitable decision. 1
That ten headed one, facing the five army-army-commanders Virupaksha, Yupaksha , Praghasa,Durdhara the Rakshasa and Basakarna , who were all greatly learned in the art of war, who had enthusiasm in biding and bringing Hanuman, who had the speed of wind in their war, ordered as follows:- 2-3
He told, Hey, Army-commanders, You please start along with a huge army accompanied by horses, chariots, elephants. Let that monkey be punished. 4
When you near that monkey you should definitely be careful. Not only that you also should use proper techniques to suit the time and place. 5
Thinking by his actions, I do not consider him as an ordinary monkey. Whatever way you think , it is a huge devil with lot of strength. It should have been created by Indra through incessant prayer just to oppose us. 6
When all of you join together with me, Nagas, Yakshas, Gandarwas, Devas, Asuras and Sages have been defeated. 7
It is possible that they would play some trick against us.This definitely is that. There is no doubt about it. Use all your strength and catch hold of it and tie it. 8
Do not make a poor estimate of that Monkey who is very heroic a. For I have seen other very great warrior monkeys like Bali with Sugreeva, the very strong Jambhavan, their army-commander Neela, and others like Dwividha. But none of them have this great speed. nor do they have this luster, nor heroism, nor wisdom , nor the strong capacity and nor the power to assume any form. 9-11
(In Uttara Kanda, there is a story that Bali simply caught hold of Ravana and took him along with him once.It seems he tied Ravana to the rope holding cradle of Angadha.Later at the request of Brahma , he released him .It is mentioned that the only other man who defeated Ravana was Kartha Veeryarjuna, who was in turn killed by Parasurama.)
I think it is a very great devil which has assumed the shape of monkey. You have lot of effort and stop its jumping. 12
All people among Devas, Asuras an men including Indra cannot stand before you in war. This is definitely true. 13
In spite of that the expert who desires victory in war , has to take great efforts to protect his soul, because in war victory is never definite. 14
All of them who had luster like fire , who were very intelligent and who were greatly valorous accepted the advice of their master and started for war with chariots, vigorous elephants, very fast horses, and other army armed with several types of weapons. 15-16
Then those warriors saw that great monkey who was shining like the rising sun with its natural rays. 17
All of them as soon as they saw him, who was exuberant , who was very courageous, who was very strong, who was very intelligent , who had assumed a very big form . who was very wise and who was sitting at the entrance of the tower, surrounded him from all sides and opposed him with several great weapons. 18-19
Durdhara shot At the head of Hanuman, five arrows made of steel which were hurting, sharp, black like Uthpala(black plant) and having red ends, 20
Hurt by the five piercing arrows, he rose in the sky with a roar which could be heard in all the ten directions. 21
Then the very strong and great warrior Durdhara who was sitting in a chariot and who had connected arrows in his bow neared continuously shooting very sharp arrows at him. 22
That monkey approached him who was raining arrows from the sky, like the wind at the end of rainy season nears the raining cloud. 23
Then that clever son of wind-god , who was attacked by Durdhara, increased in size more than before and roared with a huge sound. 24
That very intelligent monkey rose up to a very great height in the sky and suddenly jumped on the chariot of Durdhara like the fire of thunder. 25
Then that Durdhara left his chariot with eight dead horses and whose axle was broken and fell out lifeless. 26
Seeing him lying dead on the floor , Virupaksha and Yupaksha , who are unperturbed and who can destroy their enemies became very angry and attacked him. 27
Those two who were raising very fast in the clear sky hit the Big handed monkey who was standing , with thorned maces. 28
He who was very strong and equal in valour to Garuda , became very angry and after clearing them away jumped on the earth. 29
That monkey who was the son of wind-god saw a Sala tree , uprooted it and hit those two warriors with it and killed them. 30
Then Praghasa seeing that the strong monkey has killed all the three of them , opposed the monkey with great anger and force. 31
The great hero Bhasakarna from one side took a spear and became very angry at the unperturbed and famous monkey chief. 32
Bhasakarna pierced the great monkey by his spear and Praghasa pierced him with a long handed sharp spear. 33
That monkey wounded by those two was angry with all his hair getting blood soaked and looked like the shining young sun. 34
That monkey chief and great warrior Hanuman uprooted a peak of mountain which was full of animals, snakes and trees and killed the two rakshasas. 35
After killing those five army army-commanders , then destroyed their remaining army. 36
Like the thousand eyed Indra opposing the rakshasas that monkey killed horses by horses, elephants by elephants , soldiers by soldiers and chariots by chariots. 37
Covered fully by the dead elephants , dead horses , axle broken big chariots and dead Rakshasas , the earth became path less. 38
Then the monkey chief after killing those chiefs of army along with their soldiers returned back to the gate and waited there similar to the God of death waiting to kill the people. 39
Thus ends the forty sixth chapter of Sundara Kanda which is in the Ramayana which is the first epic written by Valmiki.
Collection / Articles
Question and Answers
Sundara Kandam for Specific Problem
You may recite the slokas as per your capacity and convenience without following any plan or conventions. The purpose is to recite the slokas and complete Sundara Kandam. You may mitigate your specific problems by reciting certain chapters. The details are found below. I am reproducing below what Lord Shiva told to Goddess Parvathy: Whoever reads or listens to this book on the Sundara Kanda Phala prapthi, would become a great devotee of Lord Rama and would lead a happy painless life.
- Salvation can be achieved by reading the first chapter daily for six months.
- Effect of attack of devils, ghosts, and spirits can be warded off by reading 3rd chapter.
- To get rid of dullness of brain, read 13th chapter
- To get rid of the sin of having affair with someone else's wife, read chapters 7-11.
- To get permanent wealth and happiness read chapter 15.
- To get rid of bad dreams read Chapter 27.
- To get good behavior read chapter 20-21.
- To rejoin with lost relatives read chapters 33-40.
- To get rid of impending danger read chapter 36.
- To get pardon from god for insult done to him, knowingly and unknowingly read chapter 38.
- Read chapters 42-47 to win over enemies
- To become just and charitable read chapter 51
- For improvement of assets like house, land, etc. read chapter 54.
- To get peace and happiness read Chapter 61
- To get perennial happiness and to attain God read chapter 67.
- To get what one wishes read chapter 41
- To realize God and to become one capable of sweet words read chapter 19.
Yatra yatra Raghunatha KirtanamTatra
tatra kritha mastakanjalim
Bhaspavaan paripurna lochanam
Marutim namata rakshasanthakam
Meaning: We bow the Maruthi, Sri Hanuman, who stands with his folded above his forehead with a torrent tears flowing down his eyes wherever the Names of Lord Rama is sung.
You may conclude your Parayana for the specified day with Karpoora Harathi.
Harem / Pushpaka / Akshaya
Seven Ministers Sons
Seven sons of ministers emerged from the palace according to the order of the king of demons. Those powerful bow warriors lit like fire. They passed the bow gimmick very much. They sat on big chariots with golden faces, flag poles flying by, and fast horses that make sound like clouds while running. They were very enthusiastic and determined to win. They approached the battlefield with the ribs that exposed the sound of thunder and lightning.
Those seven sons of ministers
- who shined like the seven tongued fire,
- who were very strong,
- who has leaned the art of archery properly,
- who were great among archers and
- who were greatly valorous started from their homes because they were ordered to, surrounded by a very large army in chariots which had golden windows, which had flag poles full of flags and which made sounds like the cloud. Each of them wanted the victory to be theirs and were holding bows made of molten gold which appeared as if they were lightning and made sounds from the m. 1-4
Their mothers , relations and friends , knowing that Kinkaras have been killed ,were terribly upset because of sorrow. 5
Each of them competing with each other to be in the front and wearing ornaments made of gold prepared themselves for was and neared Hanuman sitting near the gate. 6
Those cloud like Rakshasas coming with the thundering sound of chariots, send rains of arrows like thick clouds. 7
At that time Hanuman covered by the raining arrows looked like a mountain hidden by rain. 8
The fast moving monkey rose and traveled in the clear sky and wasted the arrows as well as the speeding chariots. 9
That hero playing in the sky with those great archers appeared as if he was god of wind in the cloud filled sky. 10
That heroic Hanuman by making horror stricken sound made that great army shiver and soon showed his valor against that army. 11
Hanuman, the winner of enemies , killed some by beating with his hand, some by legs, some by fists, some by tearing with nails some by crushing with his chest and legs and some died by simply hearing the roar of Hanuman. 12-13
When they fell on the earth after they were killed the entire army full of fear ran in ten different directions. 14
Elephants trumpeted making ugly sound, horses fell down on the earth , and the platform of chariots, flags and umbrellas of broken chariots covered the entire earth. 15
Then by the blood shed every where on the way rivers of blood were noticed and the entire Lanka cried heartbroken with several sounds. 16
That monkey who was a great hero and a great warrior after killing the roaring Rakshasas went and sat on the tower with a wish to fight with more Rakshasas. 17
Thus ends the forty-fifth chapter of Sundara Kanda which is in the Ramayana which is the first epic written by Valmiki.
shiva linga
After defeating Ravana, Shri Ram arrived at Rameshwaram, on his way to Ayodhya. He was advised by his Guru, Sage Vashishta to procure and offer puja unto the sacred Shiva Lingam, to be relieved of this Dosha(ill effect) and thereby continue his journey to Ayodhya in peace. Shri Ram heeded his Guru's advice and requested Hanuman to bring forth a Shiva Lingam from Varanasi. However, Veer Hanuman was unable to arrive at the auspicious time of Puja. Shivji himself appeared before Shri Ram and bestowed upon him a divine Lingam.
Hanuman returned, with 101 Lingams from Varanasi for Shri Ram to select. Disappointed, he realized he was too late on the delivery. Shri Ram, moved by the dedication and commitment of his Bhakta, proclaimed that precedence be granted to Hanumanji, to worship at the mandir where the sanctified Lingam was consecrated, and the small hill upon which the Lingam was installed at Rameshwaram, would bear the name of Hanuman (Kesarigiri).
ॐ हनुमते नमः | 𝑶𝒎 𝑯𝒂𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒉
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- The new adventures of Hanuman (1)
- There is a different way out there (1)
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- ThreeWiseMonkeys (1)
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- Together (1)
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- Treta Ho Ya Dwapar Ho Yuga (1)
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- Trusted Deputy (1)
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- Why Can't We (1)
- wings (1)
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- World Report (1)
- World's tallest - statue at Shimla (1)
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- Wrestling Introduced By Hanuman - Pehlwani (1)
- Yadagirigutta (1)
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- Yama (1)
- Yantras Hand Drawn / How to Worship / Benefits (1)
- Yantrodharaka (1)
- yatra (1)
- yatra yatra raghunatha (1)
- Yoga (1)
- You Are My Next Target (1)
- Zodiac (1)