
A Metaphorical representation of various traits or characters

Hanuman (Original)EastThis face removes all blemishes of sin and confers purity of mind.
NarasimhaSouthRemoves fear of enemies and confers victory. Narasimha is the Lion-Man
GarudaWestDrives away evil spells, black magic influences, negative spirits and removes all poisonous effects in one's body.
VarahaNorthWards off the troubles caused by bad influences of the planets and confers all prosperity
HayagrivaUpwards(Urdhva Mukha) face confers knowledge, victory, good wife and progeny.

Charo jug partap tumhara

"In the same Hayasirsa-pancaratra, after Nrsimhadeva wanted to give benedictions to Prahlada Maharaja, Prahlada did not accept any material benediction and simply asked the favor of the Lord to remain His eternal devotee. In this connection, Prahlada Maharaja cited the example of Hanuman, the eternal servitor of Lord Ramacandra, who also set an example by never asking any material favor from the Lord. He always remained engaged in the Lord's service. That is the ideal character of Hanuman, for which he is still worshiped by all devotees. Prahlada Maharaja also offered his respectful obeisances unto Hanuman. There is a well-known verse spoken by Hanuman in which he says, "My dear Lord, if You like You can give me salvation from this material existence, or the privilege of merging into Your existence, but I do not wish any of these things. I do not want anything which diminishes my relationship with You as servant to master, even after liberation."

Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 4

Hiranya was son of Varuna. Mahasani, his son was very ambitious and he used his powers to defeat the Devas and took Indra and Indrani as captives to Patala. Varuna had to come and interfere and release Indra. This act would not go unnoticed. Ganga river had cohabitation with Vishnu and Siva and produced a son with powers of both Vishnu and Siva and that son defeated and killed Mahasani.

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